Wednesday, April 21, 2010


You can clearly see some improvement here. And they're still rehearsing, so I think we'll be OK. So, if you've been hedging, we think it's going to be the best Remainder concert of 2010. So far. Get yer tickets here...



Meanie the Blue said...

FYI - when they say "Get Your Tickets Here", do what they're telling you. By ordering online at the RBR website instead of, say, at Ticketdisaster, you avoid those obscene ripoff robber baron "Convenience Fees" and "Order Processing Charges".

shlbycindy said...

Your all doing great. Of course I've always thought you were a good band. One suggestion. When somebody does something really good, likes hits the right chord twice, everyone shouldn't turn around and look at them. Just fyi, other than that you're great. Really. This is nursecindy and I just came by to bring Meanie back to the blog.